About us

In 1996, as a result of Jorge Carretero’s individual effort to consolidate a private collection of antique Mexican photography a photography Archive is constituted: This preservation and recovery effort was then significantly and gradually expanded , giving rise in 2001 to the charter of a Photographic Library, with its own Facilities and Exhibition Gallery – The Fototeca Antica.

Our trajectory since then includes,  17 Exhibits which have been presented in 25 different Museums and cultural spaces, and were visited, by almost 300,000 people.

Furthermore, over 300 original photographs of our Funds have participated in 15 other important collective Photographic exhibits. And 575 images of our repository have been published in 77 Books, Magazines and Audiovisuals. 

In 2016 thanks to a grant from the Mexican National Endowment for Culture and Arts (FONCA) a digital catalog of a selected set of 4000 images was digitized and made available to researchers and the public.

In early 2024 we establish the Anticua art gallery. Its mission is to support the non-lucrative efforts of the Fototeca by commercializing selected original works of our private collection in collaboration with Artsy.  As well as limited edition contemporary prints of a few of our authors which will become available in Q1 2025.

Anticua's mission is to inspire a love for art's power, support the Fototeca's efforts, and encourage a shared journey that connects everyone.


Revolucionarios Acervo Fototeca Antica

As Featured In

A small sample of our public trajectory in the Mexican cultural environment